Friday night: glued to my couch, watching friends and exchanging emails with Eli. He was living very far and it took me a while to answer about my plans for the night. He said he should have emailed me earlier, but now that he was already where the “wind makes the curve” - not so sure this phrasal verb makes sense in English :) – he was gonna have a relaxed night and rent a bad movie on itunes.
Saturday “morning” (well, I woke up at noon): Got an email from Eli asking me to lunch. Meet him (and his luggage, he was moving flats) and go to Japanese restaurant. Not sure it’s a date or 2 palls hanging out. Head to his new place to get the keys and leave some stuff, help him inspecting the apartment and already make plans for his balcony (can’t help but using the world “we” for “we need to buy a grill for the balcony”… blush when I realized I used the “w” word). Go for a coffee, talk a little bit about past relationships. From what I can see, he is a relationship guy and there are several ex-girlfriends, all seemed to be locked in the past and miles and miles away though. Good. Bought hand towels for the new house and walked him to where he takes the bus, very close to my house. No attempt to kiss me this time, but a promise to text me later with plans for the night.
Saturday night: Got a text while in the movies, told me he was gonna go out with the crew he went to dinner with, asked about my plans. Adapt his plans (and the crew’s plans) for my plans. Arrive to the place, I was with a bunch of people, he was with a bunch of people. Talked for a while but split. Texted some more and went home (he went clubbing).
Sunday morning: Wake up to “I’m sorry I couldn’t ditch the people I went to dinner with” and question about my plans for the day. Exchange a couple of emails, ask him to join my friends and I for brunch – my iphone played a trick on me and never delivered the email – didn’t hear from him for a couple of hours, got kind of pissed (good sign!). Get an answer to previous random email, don’t understand, go to sent items and realized the technical problem - yes, he sent me another email even though he thought I haven’t answered the last :)
Sunday afternoon: Agree to meet and go to the lake, but he has groceries (and milk…) so offer my fridge. He gets to my place and sits on the couch. We watched 2 ½ movies, some series and decide to eat. I cook some pasta, we watch a show about cars.
Sunday night: It’s time for him to leave, I’m convinced he wants to be my friend (sorry, no space in my life for another male friend, according to Jerome). I open the door, we are about to say goodbye. He kisses me. Such a good kiss, such a perfect first kiss. He asks me if he could see me this week. Sure he can.
You have no idea how different this is to me…. I’m used to instantly making out and falling in love at first sight. You have no idea how much I’m enjoying the taking it slow thing. Looking back – errr, to Thursday, maybe it’s not that slow… – I think it’s great I didn’t kiss him, because after spending 2 days together I fancy him much more.
I’m not in love (it may sounds weird, but normally I know immediately if I really like the guy) but I like him. And I can’t wait to see him again.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Another almost
I went to a house warming party last night and Eli, the Canadian guy, was there. We chatted in the beginning, showed some familiarity due to our email exchange routine and than went to mingle. I caught him looking at me a couple of times.
I looked at him and mentioned to another friend what an idiot I was for not fancying him. She promptly agreed. I looked a little more and decided he was really cute and I should give it a shot. We talked in several small occasions during the night and at some point he sat by my side.
He is a vegetarian. Don't get me wrong, I am, at the moment, for the past 3 weeks and for the next 2 weeks a vegetarian as well. But that's it. And call me old fashioned, but I'm a girl, I'm allowed to be a vegetarian to lose weight, but he is a guy and guys eat meat. Guys love meat.
I - prayed and - asked if that was because he felt bad about the animals (God no, please please please no) and he told me it was just because processed and industrialized meat was unhealthy... I'm not sure if this is better or worst than feeling bad for the animals.
I know, this is extreme prejudice from my side. But it is one more point to add to his kind of feminine features... don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he is gay (even though he might) or anything, but he is just not masculine enough for me.
We both left the party at the same time and my house was on his way to getting the train, when I stopped at my doorsteps he came to say good bye, ready for a kiss. I could feel his hand in my lower back bringing me closer and his face close to mine trying to stop the freak 3 kisses on the cheek show they have in Switzerland.
Even though I really - REALLY - need a kiss (last one was Danish guy, more than 2 months ago...), I kept with the 3 kisses on the cheek and practically ran into my house. He looked puzzled. As I sat on my couch I started asking myself why I didn’t kiss him. And I guess the answer is up on this post... I'm just an idiot when it comes to guys.
Anyway, for what is worth, it was nice feeling wanted by a cute guy.
Let's see, maybe a kiss changes everything and I found a vegetarian partner that likes camping and lived in India... yeah, right.
Anne - and I don't know why I'm still single... pfffff...
I looked at him and mentioned to another friend what an idiot I was for not fancying him. She promptly agreed. I looked a little more and decided he was really cute and I should give it a shot. We talked in several small occasions during the night and at some point he sat by my side.
He is a vegetarian. Don't get me wrong, I am, at the moment, for the past 3 weeks and for the next 2 weeks a vegetarian as well. But that's it. And call me old fashioned, but I'm a girl, I'm allowed to be a vegetarian to lose weight, but he is a guy and guys eat meat. Guys love meat.
I - prayed and - asked if that was because he felt bad about the animals (God no, please please please no) and he told me it was just because processed and industrialized meat was unhealthy... I'm not sure if this is better or worst than feeling bad for the animals.
I know, this is extreme prejudice from my side. But it is one more point to add to his kind of feminine features... don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he is gay (even though he might) or anything, but he is just not masculine enough for me.
We both left the party at the same time and my house was on his way to getting the train, when I stopped at my doorsteps he came to say good bye, ready for a kiss. I could feel his hand in my lower back bringing me closer and his face close to mine trying to stop the freak 3 kisses on the cheek show they have in Switzerland.
Even though I really - REALLY - need a kiss (last one was Danish guy, more than 2 months ago...), I kept with the 3 kisses on the cheek and practically ran into my house. He looked puzzled. As I sat on my couch I started asking myself why I didn’t kiss him. And I guess the answer is up on this post... I'm just an idiot when it comes to guys.
Anyway, for what is worth, it was nice feeling wanted by a cute guy.
Let's see, maybe a kiss changes everything and I found a vegetarian partner that likes camping and lived in India... yeah, right.
Anne - and I don't know why I'm still single... pfffff...
Thursday, July 22, 2010
And the disaster comes....
I already knew I should have postponed the date of yesterday. After the great weekend, and the mindset of this being only a dating status, I felt it was too much to have a date right on Wednesday (specially since we had casually met on Tuesday evening). It was too much in all senses, and specially because the program included DVD at my place.
Of course, while at dinner (great Japanese food) all was fine. We were outside, nice weather, nice talk, no gluing moments or "couple's" moments. As a fair agreement, since we have been dating for over one month, some dinners we split the cost. Honestly, perfectly fine for me as long as it's not all dinners. Paying time, I had some cash (not enough) and and so did he. Now, instead of dominating the bull and being in charge, he let me pay with the Maestro and now he owes me 25 bucks. That's the beginning of intimacy on an inexistent relationship.
I took a deep breath, and I knew that even though he had offered that we went to his place this time, it was common agreement to leave it to another day (it's really damn far away for me to go home afterwards). There, we start seeing the teenager boy German again.... We went home, and everyone who knows me a little, is fully aware I am not the perfect organized person. Simply not. The boxes on the hallway are to stay there, I am moving after all! It's part of the drill! but the person needs to enter the flat, and simply remove them of the way and put by the wall. As an action, I have no problem and then it comes the sentence "this is too much mess for my sense of organization".
Excuse me? You are a guest, at my place, on a date you invited (and I paid), and we are watching DVD on my place and you still change things around for the sake of your sense of organization.... Oh boy....
As polite as I can be, turned on the TV and the movie started. Of course that along the movie I came close. Who does not like a hug? And a little kiss from time to time? Well, the problem is that whenever he did something, was already irritating. After the movie I wanted him to leave. Just go home. Nothing more to do, or say. But no... the person was allocated in my couch as a donkey. All the signs to avoid the request of "I think you should go home now". Got to a point he simply turned the TV off, my TV, because he had a great idea to read Cosmo magazine and try to make me get out of my bad mood. Fine, the idea might have been decent, but he turned off the TV while I was watching!
Finally, he goes. Clearly very sad, telling things like "I bored you during this date", or "it's obvious you do not want to spend more time with me", or "I don't mind sleeping still a bit more late to be able to stay here with you a little more". Oh lord, can you be more cheeeeeesy?
This morning I sent a "hi" message just to be polite and we agreed (well, I informed) I still need time, less intimacy, less contact, more time, more me-myself-and-I.... At the end, he stated that it's clear that, and he is willing to give me all the time and space (my mind is already "willing to give me?" I do not need him to "give" me anything simply because he is not my anything! But I do control myself) and that he hopes that someday I'll let him in, even just a little bit.
I never had believed in the rebounds per say, but they to exist. I do not see myself letting him in, or opening up not even one inch. Good for the spirit, but I don't think I'll take more then that on this one... even though I promised to keep my heart and mind opened!
Of course, while at dinner (great Japanese food) all was fine. We were outside, nice weather, nice talk, no gluing moments or "couple's" moments. As a fair agreement, since we have been dating for over one month, some dinners we split the cost. Honestly, perfectly fine for me as long as it's not all dinners. Paying time, I had some cash (not enough) and and so did he. Now, instead of dominating the bull and being in charge, he let me pay with the Maestro and now he owes me 25 bucks. That's the beginning of intimacy on an inexistent relationship.
I took a deep breath, and I knew that even though he had offered that we went to his place this time, it was common agreement to leave it to another day (it's really damn far away for me to go home afterwards). There, we start seeing the teenager boy German again.... We went home, and everyone who knows me a little, is fully aware I am not the perfect organized person. Simply not. The boxes on the hallway are to stay there, I am moving after all! It's part of the drill! but the person needs to enter the flat, and simply remove them of the way and put by the wall. As an action, I have no problem and then it comes the sentence "this is too much mess for my sense of organization".
Excuse me? You are a guest, at my place, on a date you invited (and I paid), and we are watching DVD on my place and you still change things around for the sake of your sense of organization.... Oh boy....
As polite as I can be, turned on the TV and the movie started. Of course that along the movie I came close. Who does not like a hug? And a little kiss from time to time? Well, the problem is that whenever he did something, was already irritating. After the movie I wanted him to leave. Just go home. Nothing more to do, or say. But no... the person was allocated in my couch as a donkey. All the signs to avoid the request of "I think you should go home now". Got to a point he simply turned the TV off, my TV, because he had a great idea to read Cosmo magazine and try to make me get out of my bad mood. Fine, the idea might have been decent, but he turned off the TV while I was watching!
Finally, he goes. Clearly very sad, telling things like "I bored you during this date", or "it's obvious you do not want to spend more time with me", or "I don't mind sleeping still a bit more late to be able to stay here with you a little more". Oh lord, can you be more cheeeeeesy?
This morning I sent a "hi" message just to be polite and we agreed (well, I informed) I still need time, less intimacy, less contact, more time, more me-myself-and-I.... At the end, he stated that it's clear that, and he is willing to give me all the time and space (my mind is already "willing to give me?" I do not need him to "give" me anything simply because he is not my anything! But I do control myself) and that he hopes that someday I'll let him in, even just a little bit.
I never had believed in the rebounds per say, but they to exist. I do not see myself letting him in, or opening up not even one inch. Good for the spirit, but I don't think I'll take more then that on this one... even though I promised to keep my heart and mind opened!
Calendar Girl
My midwestern man has had no type of conversation with me about our "relationship" and what it is or where it's going. In fact, there's been no mention of exclusivity or terminology. I'm happy to go with this flow for a little while, after all, we've only known eachother for 2 months and have been seeing one another for about six weeks. AND, all of those six weeks are long distance.
So, I was surprised to receive a google calendar via email yesterday. It is our shared calendar, presented to me by my new man. I'm happy, but also a bit nervous. It details our weekends together (and which weekends we are apart) through October 30. It's not even July 30. That is 3 month out… which is a longer time than we've even known one another! Is this great news, or is this guy overzealous and kind of insane? Plus, as we haven't discussed any type of eventual move, it seems absurd that we're now talking about trips away together and all kinds of events if this is going to be a permanently long distance thing. I don't deal well with uncertainty. What does this mean? Can I continue to keep my mouth shut? Or does our next meeting warrant the question from me "Do you see this going anywhere and if so, where?"
To make this morning more interesting, I saw Carlos on the street this morning on my way to work. We had the most brief non-conversation hello you've ever seen. He all but ignored me, and I think that if I hadn't made eye contact, the quick "hola, como estas?" would not even have happened. For about a millisecond, my heart dropped into my stomach. But, a millisecond later, I kept walking, head high, and no attached feelings. I'm cured!
So, I was surprised to receive a google calendar via email yesterday. It is our shared calendar, presented to me by my new man. I'm happy, but also a bit nervous. It details our weekends together (and which weekends we are apart) through October 30. It's not even July 30. That is 3 month out… which is a longer time than we've even known one another! Is this great news, or is this guy overzealous and kind of insane? Plus, as we haven't discussed any type of eventual move, it seems absurd that we're now talking about trips away together and all kinds of events if this is going to be a permanently long distance thing. I don't deal well with uncertainty. What does this mean? Can I continue to keep my mouth shut? Or does our next meeting warrant the question from me "Do you see this going anywhere and if so, where?"
To make this morning more interesting, I saw Carlos on the street this morning on my way to work. We had the most brief non-conversation hello you've ever seen. He all but ignored me, and I think that if I hadn't made eye contact, the quick "hola, como estas?" would not even have happened. For about a millisecond, my heart dropped into my stomach. But, a millisecond later, I kept walking, head high, and no attached feelings. I'm cured!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Alternative land

The Canadian guy is really cool. And cute, well employed, interesting... but no spark... I normally don't believe on the no spark thing, but this time it happened to me. And I believe he felt (well, didn't feel) it too.
We had a great time, talked for more than 3 hours, went to 2 different bars and the open space party where we sat on the grass and ate french fries.
I guess it's the camping thing... I immediately tend to rule out guys that are slightly alternative, love camping and lived in India for college exchange. Why? Why do I like boring instead of adventurous?
Anyway, he already emailed me so we will keep our chitchat... never hurt talking to a cool guy.
In any case it was great having a date after all this time.
Keep you posted.
We had a great time, talked for more than 3 hours, went to 2 different bars and the open space party where we sat on the grass and ate french fries.
I guess it's the camping thing... I immediately tend to rule out guys that are slightly alternative, love camping and lived in India for college exchange. Why? Why do I like boring instead of adventurous?
Anyway, he already emailed me so we will keep our chitchat... never hurt talking to a cool guy.
In any case it was great having a date after all this time.
Keep you posted.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Blind not-so-date
I was wondering if I should post this text because I'm afraid I'm about to face another fiasco and have to expose again how ridiculous I am around here.
But, that's the purpose of the blog, isn't it?
So, today I'm meeting the guy my friend introduced to me by email. We've been exchanging emails for a while and he seems cool - promised to draw a moustache for our rendez-vous tonight.
I've been wondering all day if I should go home and change, even though I'm wearing my cutest work outfit... I decided that the regular me always put a lot of effort into anything guy-related and nothing ever works, so I decided to go with the opposite me - like the "opposite George", from Seinfeld - and go straight from work (well, I might stop at the gym and take a shower), not buying anything new and not stressing about it.
Anyway, I'm just going to face it as it is, a new friend that just moved to Switzerland (and who hopefully will find me cute, I will find him interesting and we will live happy ever after - sorry, can't help it...).
But, that's the purpose of the blog, isn't it?
So, today I'm meeting the guy my friend introduced to me by email. We've been exchanging emails for a while and he seems cool - promised to draw a moustache for our rendez-vous tonight.
I've been wondering all day if I should go home and change, even though I'm wearing my cutest work outfit... I decided that the regular me always put a lot of effort into anything guy-related and nothing ever works, so I decided to go with the opposite me - like the "opposite George", from Seinfeld - and go straight from work (well, I might stop at the gym and take a shower), not buying anything new and not stressing about it.
Anyway, I'm just going to face it as it is, a new friend that just moved to Switzerland (and who hopefully will find me cute, I will find him interesting and we will live happy ever after - sorry, can't help it...).
Monday, July 19, 2010
From Boy to Man
Step by step, must admit, but the German Boy is becoming a teenager with potential to be a man. Have done the inconsequent decision, already a few weeks ago, to go abroad on a weekend with him. I tend to do these things that are never good, only creates uncomfortable situations and can pretty much jeopardize my reputation. Travelling around with a person I do not know, who works and live at the same little village, having broke up only a few months ago a very public relationship… But, I do it because this is me. I like it, I feel relaxed and comfortable enough with the person for that, Really I do not recall the traditional rules to be followed.
So, there were we, he stayed overnight on Friday since the flight was really early on Saturday. Was really a proper decision, two teenagers making out and no further action but sleep. To my surprise, the wake up call was also not active (for me), since he had brought fresh fruits, yogurt and prepared breakfast for us. Yes, breakfast in bed and we were still not even travelling. On the way to the airport, I was still quiet (takes me a long time to really wake up) and the person was very active talking… Thank God I am polite and smiled to his comments, and at some point I did wake up and started to respond. Yet again, this was not an issue and was faced by him as a reality, "have to deal with it right" and respected a bit my quiet morning moment.
Arriving in Prague, I had decided to let him be the lead of the weekend. Was all his idea, his plans and he was the one who already knew the city. Needless to say, he was doing very well in leading and telling me the things, explaining places, where, why, what. We were in the centre of the city and entered this five stars hotel, classic, traditional, almost imperial. Oh wow! The room was not ready so we went to the Spa to change (it was bloody warm) and start the tourism! On my summery dress we walked what I thought was to be cultural first but no: he took me shopping. Yes ladies, not on the traditional luxury stores, but he actually spend time with me looking into local (and very special) jewellery makers, porcelain, clothes. It was a good team combination the day… we walked store by store, had laughs, stopped by for a sandwich, walked a bit more, returned to the hotel. The room was ready and…. It was not a room, it was a flat! A living room, walk in closet, huge bed! Definitely, feeling like a princess, we ended up sleeping a bit, and woke up only for dinner…
For dinner, we had agreed to go fancy. Bawl gown, suit, crystals, Jimmy Choos…. Indeed a classy, upper class restaurant and delicious food! Again, the talk, the interest in knowing me better, asking question, discussing opinions, laughing of the old ladies with strange hats on the next table, and the blonde prostitute with a transparent dress on the other table was the scene of a perfect evening. Almost 1:00 am we returned to the Hotel, and even though the plan was to go out an party, it was raining so much that we decided to stay in.
Sunday morning, "I want to go sightseeing"!!! C'mon, I am here, have done enough of romantic blabla yesterday. As you can see, woke up not on my best moments. I did not want to stay in bed, with kisses and hugs until 11:00 am… two hours less would have been enough and I could go and see castles, museums, historical places! I know, you are thinking I am crazy, have mental problems and should go to a psychiatric house. But then again, I am not going to be the Girlfriend anytime soon. I am definitely not ready, my mind still has some "special" moments, I cannot commit now. So, let's enjoy the time together not necessarily in the romance mode! Finally I managed to make my point without being rude. I was definitely happy then! Great company, insights, comments, tips, information, talks, walks.
And there, at some points of leading the way along the weekend, he is really teenager and even a man sometimes. Gentleman, caring, thoughtful. Still, drinks chocolate milk and not coffee, sometimes is like a schoolboy in puberty, can make jokes like Adam Sandler and Jim Carrey in their worse dumb movies… Maybe, I am still asking too much and creating problems (like thinking this is all for the sex, which I know can be a very stupid thought considering all the effort done). Maybe I just cannot see that he it many things that I appreciate… smart, intelligent, nice, gentle, carrying (I said that already), dedicated, ambitious, funny. Or is it all just me arming myself to hold on to this a bit more until the finalization of my last relationship is gone, cleared, passed and buried?
Promise I'll keep the mind and heart opened, as much as possible…..
So, there were we, he stayed overnight on Friday since the flight was really early on Saturday. Was really a proper decision, two teenagers making out and no further action but sleep. To my surprise, the wake up call was also not active (for me), since he had brought fresh fruits, yogurt and prepared breakfast for us. Yes, breakfast in bed and we were still not even travelling. On the way to the airport, I was still quiet (takes me a long time to really wake up) and the person was very active talking… Thank God I am polite and smiled to his comments, and at some point I did wake up and started to respond. Yet again, this was not an issue and was faced by him as a reality, "have to deal with it right" and respected a bit my quiet morning moment.
Arriving in Prague, I had decided to let him be the lead of the weekend. Was all his idea, his plans and he was the one who already knew the city. Needless to say, he was doing very well in leading and telling me the things, explaining places, where, why, what. We were in the centre of the city and entered this five stars hotel, classic, traditional, almost imperial. Oh wow! The room was not ready so we went to the Spa to change (it was bloody warm) and start the tourism! On my summery dress we walked what I thought was to be cultural first but no: he took me shopping. Yes ladies, not on the traditional luxury stores, but he actually spend time with me looking into local (and very special) jewellery makers, porcelain, clothes. It was a good team combination the day… we walked store by store, had laughs, stopped by for a sandwich, walked a bit more, returned to the hotel. The room was ready and…. It was not a room, it was a flat! A living room, walk in closet, huge bed! Definitely, feeling like a princess, we ended up sleeping a bit, and woke up only for dinner…
For dinner, we had agreed to go fancy. Bawl gown, suit, crystals, Jimmy Choos…. Indeed a classy, upper class restaurant and delicious food! Again, the talk, the interest in knowing me better, asking question, discussing opinions, laughing of the old ladies with strange hats on the next table, and the blonde prostitute with a transparent dress on the other table was the scene of a perfect evening. Almost 1:00 am we returned to the Hotel, and even though the plan was to go out an party, it was raining so much that we decided to stay in.
Sunday morning, "I want to go sightseeing"!!! C'mon, I am here, have done enough of romantic blabla yesterday. As you can see, woke up not on my best moments. I did not want to stay in bed, with kisses and hugs until 11:00 am… two hours less would have been enough and I could go and see castles, museums, historical places! I know, you are thinking I am crazy, have mental problems and should go to a psychiatric house. But then again, I am not going to be the Girlfriend anytime soon. I am definitely not ready, my mind still has some "special" moments, I cannot commit now. So, let's enjoy the time together not necessarily in the romance mode! Finally I managed to make my point without being rude. I was definitely happy then! Great company, insights, comments, tips, information, talks, walks.
And there, at some points of leading the way along the weekend, he is really teenager and even a man sometimes. Gentleman, caring, thoughtful. Still, drinks chocolate milk and not coffee, sometimes is like a schoolboy in puberty, can make jokes like Adam Sandler and Jim Carrey in their worse dumb movies… Maybe, I am still asking too much and creating problems (like thinking this is all for the sex, which I know can be a very stupid thought considering all the effort done). Maybe I just cannot see that he it many things that I appreciate… smart, intelligent, nice, gentle, carrying (I said that already), dedicated, ambitious, funny. Or is it all just me arming myself to hold on to this a bit more until the finalization of my last relationship is gone, cleared, passed and buried?
Promise I'll keep the mind and heart opened, as much as possible…..
The 2 month wait
I guess Bob Grant was right after all... just stay 2 months without contacting the guy you want to get back and he will contact you. Bingo. 2 months and a week after I sent last sms to Danish guy, I get a text (Saturday) asking if I was going to a festival that night. I waited for a while and just replied "not tonight, have fun" which got a "ok, fine" as a response.
I of course erased the number and this morning, I see another text, sent around 1am "hi, you up for a drink?". My question is: did he mean a) up at 1am on a Sunday for a drink (yeah right) or b) up in general for a drink?
Even though I really hope it is alternative b, I'm pretty sure it is alternative a, in which case, his sms will remain unanswered. He only treats me like a random girl he picked up at a bar because I let him, right? Well, than it's up to me not to be that girl anymore.
Anyway, I'm amazed that the book was so right and so precise with the time line...
On another end, I might have a blind date this week. A friend introduced me by email o this Canadian that just moved to Switzerland. We exchanged some emails about meeting on the weekend but we both ended up being busy, so he just sent me an email asking about this week.
Wouldn't it be great to tell Danish guy that I've met someone else and that actually being true???
Anyway, I'm amazed with the healing power of time.... Of course I still have feelings for Danish guy, but I really don't want to see him at any cost.
And you know the best part: I've lost more than 5kgs since the last time I saw him ;)
Have a great week!
I of course erased the number and this morning, I see another text, sent around 1am "hi, you up for a drink?". My question is: did he mean a) up at 1am on a Sunday for a drink (yeah right) or b) up in general for a drink?
Even though I really hope it is alternative b, I'm pretty sure it is alternative a, in which case, his sms will remain unanswered. He only treats me like a random girl he picked up at a bar because I let him, right? Well, than it's up to me not to be that girl anymore.
Anyway, I'm amazed that the book was so right and so precise with the time line...
On another end, I might have a blind date this week. A friend introduced me by email o this Canadian that just moved to Switzerland. We exchanged some emails about meeting on the weekend but we both ended up being busy, so he just sent me an email asking about this week.
Wouldn't it be great to tell Danish guy that I've met someone else and that actually being true???
Anyway, I'm amazed with the healing power of time.... Of course I still have feelings for Danish guy, but I really don't want to see him at any cost.
And you know the best part: I've lost more than 5kgs since the last time I saw him ;)
Have a great week!
Friday, July 16, 2010
The arrogance turned into thoughtful actions
Well, well, after the very intense break up of my last relationship, I should be aware that it is needed some time alone. Not alone in the sofa, but simply alone for me to review the facts, reasons why I exploded after having the "perfect-life" situation. The reason why it all happened the way it happened is still being thought and developed in my mind. I definitely need to change and adjust myself a bit more when it comes to settling a relationship…. Then again, this is theme for another post!
Back to the focus: German Boy. You know when you think you saw enough or arrogant people, there is always room for improvements in your standards. Here I am, dating a guy that is not my physical favourite type (at all), a bit geek, extremely arrogant (based on the intelligence I guess), a bit too much self-assured, bossy… and still, I am enjoying!! It has been already more then one month, and through the time not only he demonstrated interest in me, in my stories, in my likes and dislikes, but also the listens.
I mentioned once that on a train ride around here there is a beautiful, fantastic view. Just that. Two days later, I receive a gift…. Not really wrapped, but very special: a picture he took himself of the city view from up a hill (or something like that). Beautiful! In a normal day, I would say it's a bit too much. I do not like, definitely not, too much of attention. Of course, the world needs to realize I am here, but for a guy, I like that he makes me still feel there is a world or friends, people, things to do that simply does not include me. And having that much of attention on the first week of dating (actually after the second official date) could be a bit over-doing. And it wasn't.
So, all that arrogance and talks on business that we have (of the professional ambition and analysis of our colleagues and bosses) simply disappear when he does those little thoughtful things!
You might remember (or maybe I did not tell) that I travelled to the UK some weekends ago. Being there I saw a book of the history of Valentino (yes, me love it!). It was definitely to heavy to carry back home, so I just mentioned and thought of buying at Amazon or so…. Yes, you know already the end of the story, I have the book and it was not me buying! Another very good catch, well thought gift. Killing the aspects of over-arrogant-geek to a very nice and pleasant thoughtful company!
Last but not least, the cheese! My thing is certainly not going to the mountains carrying a tent and sleeping over on a non-appropriate-place. But, the self confident German Boy thinks he is superman and loves doing this adventures! Good for him, as my friend would say, and this time, good for me! As a cheese lover, the last action of attention was a piece of fresh cheese, directly from the mountain's farm.
Just hope I can manage to keep myself on a good distance, simply to preserve all this to become The Rebound 2 (which actually is a movie that I simply loved)…
Back to the focus: German Boy. You know when you think you saw enough or arrogant people, there is always room for improvements in your standards. Here I am, dating a guy that is not my physical favourite type (at all), a bit geek, extremely arrogant (based on the intelligence I guess), a bit too much self-assured, bossy… and still, I am enjoying!! It has been already more then one month, and through the time not only he demonstrated interest in me, in my stories, in my likes and dislikes, but also the listens.
I mentioned once that on a train ride around here there is a beautiful, fantastic view. Just that. Two days later, I receive a gift…. Not really wrapped, but very special: a picture he took himself of the city view from up a hill (or something like that). Beautiful! In a normal day, I would say it's a bit too much. I do not like, definitely not, too much of attention. Of course, the world needs to realize I am here, but for a guy, I like that he makes me still feel there is a world or friends, people, things to do that simply does not include me. And having that much of attention on the first week of dating (actually after the second official date) could be a bit over-doing. And it wasn't.
So, all that arrogance and talks on business that we have (of the professional ambition and analysis of our colleagues and bosses) simply disappear when he does those little thoughtful things!
You might remember (or maybe I did not tell) that I travelled to the UK some weekends ago. Being there I saw a book of the history of Valentino (yes, me love it!). It was definitely to heavy to carry back home, so I just mentioned and thought of buying at Amazon or so…. Yes, you know already the end of the story, I have the book and it was not me buying! Another very good catch, well thought gift. Killing the aspects of over-arrogant-geek to a very nice and pleasant thoughtful company!
Last but not least, the cheese! My thing is certainly not going to the mountains carrying a tent and sleeping over on a non-appropriate-place. But, the self confident German Boy thinks he is superman and loves doing this adventures! Good for him, as my friend would say, and this time, good for me! As a cheese lover, the last action of attention was a piece of fresh cheese, directly from the mountain's farm.
Just hope I can manage to keep myself on a good distance, simply to preserve all this to become The Rebound 2 (which actually is a movie that I simply loved)…
Rejected, again.
Greg is right, always right. No matter how much we try to fool ourselves, he just always gets it. Today's post: if he is not asking you out, he is just not that in to you.
I ran into Beat yesterday at a street party and we (him, his friends, my friends and I) stayed kind of in the same place for the night. I wouldn't go so far as to say he completely ignored me because he is polite and we still got the WC finals to discuss, but that was it.
At some point, Jerome was tipsy and told the guy that he should stop looking at me (I didn’t see he looking at me at all) and go talk to me. Come on, how much more assurance do you need??? He responded with something vague like "not now".
Anyway, it wasn’t then, it wasn't after that either. At some point I went to the bathroom and when I was coming back I ran into him on his way to the toilette, we chatted for a few seconds, but no look, no cuteness, no spark (well, no spark for him). And we just went our separate ways.
Shortly after that, when he was coming back, he ran into his – ugly ugly – girl friends (one of which he spent a good amount of time talking to) that were leaving and left with them, not even a goodbye for us – for me.
To cheer me up, my friends kept telling me that the guy is just insecure. Come on, kids, he is 34, THIRTYFOUR, and not 12... and by 28 I think I can tell when a guy is interested and when he is not.
I'm kind of upset, feeling ugly and kicking myself for ruining everything with a great guy once more (flashback - the drunk making out episode). But at the same time, I've been rejected so many times I can quickly recover from that.
And I keep asking myself: will I ever be some guy's dream girl? Or will I always have to fight for them? I'm just exhausted.
I ran into Beat yesterday at a street party and we (him, his friends, my friends and I) stayed kind of in the same place for the night. I wouldn't go so far as to say he completely ignored me because he is polite and we still got the WC finals to discuss, but that was it.
At some point, Jerome was tipsy and told the guy that he should stop looking at me (I didn’t see he looking at me at all) and go talk to me. Come on, how much more assurance do you need??? He responded with something vague like "not now".
Anyway, it wasn’t then, it wasn't after that either. At some point I went to the bathroom and when I was coming back I ran into him on his way to the toilette, we chatted for a few seconds, but no look, no cuteness, no spark (well, no spark for him). And we just went our separate ways.
Shortly after that, when he was coming back, he ran into his – ugly ugly – girl friends (one of which he spent a good amount of time talking to) that were leaving and left with them, not even a goodbye for us – for me.
To cheer me up, my friends kept telling me that the guy is just insecure. Come on, kids, he is 34, THIRTYFOUR, and not 12... and by 28 I think I can tell when a guy is interested and when he is not.
I'm kind of upset, feeling ugly and kicking myself for ruining everything with a great guy once more (flashback - the drunk making out episode). But at the same time, I've been rejected so many times I can quickly recover from that.
And I keep asking myself: will I ever be some guy's dream girl? Or will I always have to fight for them? I'm just exhausted.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Visit part deux

I've all but forgotten about other guys and have lost interest completely in trying to keep up with my normally robust dating schedule. Is this a good sign, or am I jinxing myself and might I be kidding myself about a relationship with someone from another part of the country? I know it's only been six weeks and a few visits, but the last thing I want as I approach 30 is to be with a guy who isn't taking this seriously, because of the distance and our very different lifestyles. On the other hand, Anne always says that if two people fall in love, distance doesn't matter. And she can cite a million examples. But could I be one?
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Who here is in favor of me emailing Beat to ask:
a) What did he think about the WC finals?; or
b) What did he think about the WC finals AND ask him out to lunch?
Who here thinks I should not email him but should keep the PP'10 by bugging Jerome to set up more group events?
Who here thinks I should stop bugging you with my PP'10? ;)
a) What did he think about the WC finals?; or
b) What did he think about the WC finals AND ask him out to lunch?
Who here thinks I should not email him but should keep the PP'10 by bugging Jerome to set up more group events?
Who here thinks I should stop bugging you with my PP'10? ;)
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Guinness award

Anyway, I should not take it personally because it wasn't a date and the place was so packed you could barely move (sorry for making excuses on his behalf). I was upset yesterday but when I woke up I just felt like it's not a big deal.
Not him not showing up, but him and my "project". Again, I like the idea of him, but not sure I like him.
In addition to that, I've been planning my summer vacation... a week in a yatch in Ibiza! Maybe it's best that nothing starts between Beat (or any other guy) and I until I get back since I will probably be "stuck" in a boat with what seems to be 5 tall, blond, well educated, Austrian dudes ;)
I will confirm as soon as I have everything settled and also keep you posted on my non-story with Beat.
Ah, before I forget: yesterday was the birthday of the 25 (now 26) year old I mentioned in my "last relationship" section... I sent him an email, no questions, no sentiments, just wishing him happy birthday... I know he is not going to answer (and I'm really ok with that, especially since there were no questions and given that I know he is dating someone else, 5 years my junior...) but he will always have a special place in my heart.
Off to lunch time tanning.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
P a lot of P'10
I did see Beat yesterday. He managed to spend 30 minutes talking about soccer with me (maybe the guy that once told me I shouldn't let men know I understand so much about soccer is right... grrrr) and that chat was enough to convince me he is just not interested...
...until I ran into him coming out of the bathroom. Without an audience he was much cuter, looked at me differently and I could swear he almost kissed me when we said good bye.
Instead of a "see you very soon", I got a "see you tomorrow" after he asked me if I would be at the same place for the game tonight.
Well, I am looking forward to see him tonight, but I have to admit that my project is running out of fuel: the patience.
...until I ran into him coming out of the bathroom. Without an audience he was much cuter, looked at me differently and I could swear he almost kissed me when we said good bye.
Instead of a "see you very soon", I got a "see you tomorrow" after he asked me if I would be at the same place for the game tonight.
Well, I am looking forward to see him tonight, but I have to admit that my project is running out of fuel: the patience.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Vacation from myself
I've tried. I've really tried. But, in the end, I still couldn’t. It is so annoying knowing me this well… sometimes I wish I could take a break from myself and when I was to come back from vacation, there would be something new, surprising about me.
Not the case.
I told you I wasn’t gonna like geeky guy, didn’t I? But we agreed I should give him a chance. Well, I did, he took it and we went out for drinks.
We went to my favorite pub where I end up having far too many beers for my empty stomach. Long story short (especially because I don’t really remember all the details), I got wasted, he was sweet and even though I could barely spell my name, I still didn’t make out with him.
Just to make sure you got the picture: I was drunk and still didn’t make out with a guy that was being sweet to me.
We said our goodbyes and I woke up the next day being surer than ever that there was no future for geeky and I. Apparently he didn’t get the same impression, since he keeps bombarding me with emails, chats, sms, smoke signals, messages in a bottle, etc.
The worst part is that having a date with him just made me want the “unspeakable” more.
In addition to that little tale, I’ve also been talking to one of my guy friends about our “situation”. We’ve known each other for quite a while, we are part of the same group of friends and lately I started noticing more than the usual friendly vibe from him.
Since we are such good friends we decided not to just let nature take it course, but to discuss the issue as grown ups.
We briefly talked about it and decided to taste it before deciding. We kissed. I didn’t feel a thing but I’m not sure that was his take out of it too…
Anyway, since he is such an amazing guy, I decided not to close myself to the possibility yet… but, as I said in the beginning of this post, I know me far too well to have real hopes on this case.
Not the case.
I told you I wasn’t gonna like geeky guy, didn’t I? But we agreed I should give him a chance. Well, I did, he took it and we went out for drinks.
We went to my favorite pub where I end up having far too many beers for my empty stomach. Long story short (especially because I don’t really remember all the details), I got wasted, he was sweet and even though I could barely spell my name, I still didn’t make out with him.
Just to make sure you got the picture: I was drunk and still didn’t make out with a guy that was being sweet to me.
We said our goodbyes and I woke up the next day being surer than ever that there was no future for geeky and I. Apparently he didn’t get the same impression, since he keeps bombarding me with emails, chats, sms, smoke signals, messages in a bottle, etc.
The worst part is that having a date with him just made me want the “unspeakable” more.
In addition to that little tale, I’ve also been talking to one of my guy friends about our “situation”. We’ve known each other for quite a while, we are part of the same group of friends and lately I started noticing more than the usual friendly vibe from him.
Since we are such good friends we decided not to just let nature take it course, but to discuss the issue as grown ups.
We briefly talked about it and decided to taste it before deciding. We kissed. I didn’t feel a thing but I’m not sure that was his take out of it too…
Anyway, since he is such an amazing guy, I decided not to close myself to the possibility yet… but, as I said in the beginning of this post, I know me far too well to have real hopes on this case.
Fingers crossed...
... I think I will see Beat tomorrow... no, not a date, just another group event. At least another opportunity to carry on my PP'10, show him how absolutely not crazy I am and hope for the best (well, something else than the third episode of the "see you very soon" saga).
Wish me luck!
Wish me luck!
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