Monday, July 19, 2010

The 2 month wait

I guess Bob Grant was right after all... just stay 2 months without contacting the guy you want to get back and he will contact you. Bingo. 2 months and a week after I sent last sms to Danish guy, I get a text (Saturday) asking if I was going to a festival that night. I waited for a while and just replied "not tonight, have fun" which got a "ok, fine" as a response.

I of course erased the number and this morning, I see another text, sent around 1am "hi, you up for a drink?". My question is: did he mean a) up at 1am on a Sunday for a drink (yeah right) or b) up in general for a drink?

Even though I really hope it is alternative b, I'm pretty sure it is alternative a, in which case, his sms will remain unanswered. He only treats me like a random girl he picked up at a bar because I let him, right? Well, than it's up to me not to be that girl anymore.

Anyway, I'm amazed that the book was so right and so precise with the time line...

On another end, I might have a blind date this week. A friend introduced me by email o this Canadian that just moved to Switzerland. We exchanged some emails about meeting on the weekend but we both ended up being busy, so he just sent me an email asking about this week.

Wouldn't it be great to tell Danish guy that I've met someone else and that actually being true???

Anyway, I'm amazed with the healing power of time.... Of course I still have feelings for Danish guy, but I really don't want to see him at any cost.

And you know the best part: I've lost more than 5kgs since the last time I saw him ;)

Have a great week!


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