Friday, July 23, 2010

Another almost

I went to a house warming party last night and Eli, the Canadian guy, was there. We chatted in the beginning, showed some familiarity due to our email exchange routine and than went to mingle. I caught him looking at me a couple of times.

I looked at him and mentioned to another friend what an idiot I was for not fancying him. She promptly agreed. I looked a little more and decided he was really cute and I should give it a shot. We talked in several small occasions during the night and at some point he sat by my side.

He is a vegetarian. Don't get me wrong, I am, at the moment, for the past 3 weeks and for the next 2 weeks a vegetarian as well. But that's it. And call me old fashioned, but I'm a girl, I'm allowed to be a vegetarian to lose weight, but he is a guy and guys eat meat. Guys love meat.

I - prayed and - asked if that was because he felt bad about the animals (God no, please please please no) and he told me it was just because processed and industrialized meat was unhealthy... I'm not sure if this is better or worst than feeling bad for the animals.

I know, this is extreme prejudice from my side. But it is one more point to add to his kind of feminine features... don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he is gay (even though he might) or anything, but he is just not masculine enough for me.

We both left the party at the same time and my house was on his way to getting the train, when I stopped at my doorsteps he came to say good bye, ready for a kiss. I could feel his hand in my lower back bringing me closer and his face close to mine trying to stop the freak 3 kisses on the cheek show they have in Switzerland.

Even though I really - REALLY - need a kiss (last one was Danish guy, more than 2 months ago...), I kept with the 3 kisses on the cheek and practically ran into my house. He looked puzzled. As I sat on my couch I started asking myself why I didn’t kiss him. And I guess the answer is up on this post... I'm just an idiot when it comes to guys.

Anyway, for what is worth, it was nice feeling wanted by a cute guy.

Let's see, maybe a kiss changes everything and I found a vegetarian partner that likes camping and lived in India... yeah, right.

Anne - and I don't know why I'm still single... pfffff...

1 comment:

  1. And why an "almost?"

    My dearest Anne, you know this is all almost like the German Boy (except for the veggie, even though he "eats healthy" and already pointed out to me that he eats healthier then I do). Have to say I understand and agree with the points, the lack of primitive-masculine aspects. But, on the other hand, sophistication is not necessarily female indication.

    Now, if beyond the fact that he takes good care of his healthy and body, there is also the special shampoo line, soft hands to hold the tea cup, hair gel over-carefully applied, matching colour clothes, way of walking, talking, looking, smiling..... thousand of factors that are indeed feminine features, and clearly leaves the eating habits simply as a self conscience and care. As far as I got, the Canadian guy does not reach that level.

    Why not letting him enchant you? You are not an idiot!! Too attached to patterns (look who is talking, but anyways... ) and standard roles maybe??? Men need to be strong, smell like man -- not bad, but like man --, dress like man, and eat like man. all that can be reconnected to a caveman, wearing the most useful clothes, hunting for the food, eating the veal with the hands.... Love to exaggerate! We are sophisticated, and I do not see why we cannot have sophisticated also.

    We do take care of ourselves, and why not have a guy who takes care of him instead of drinking bear and watching soccer every night? We have studied, we have travelled, we have worked hard to get here, we have partied, we have drunk, we have cried, we have laughed. Why ask for something less, different, distant then what we know as life? Maybe I should be using "I" instead of "we", but beyond this being my tentative mote of the month, I wanted to make a point to you: enjoy with heart and mind opened (no one is asking you to kiss a drag-queen!!!).

    We will not find the ideal, perfect. And if the guy that takes the best care of you (and fits into a minimum roles and characteristics you like) does not eat meat, it's the least of the issues!

