Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Just like a divine intervention or one of those tricks from the faith, or just because this city is indeed very small, for better or for worst, I ran into Beat yesterday.

I went to watch a game with a couple of friends in an open space area. It was very cool, we ordered a bottle of champagne (yeah, on a Monday, I know...) and just as we were approaching half time I spotted Beat (along with a very cute friend).

He came by to say hello, pulled a chair and there he stood until the end of the game. His cute friend left him there to join the other members of their crew (I wonder if they were all of the same quality) and just rejoined us about 10 minutes to the end. We spoke sports, trips, living in Switzerland. It wasn't very flirty or maybe that's just how swissgermans flirt.

Anyway, I have no idea what he is thinking... is he trying to get to know me? Does he like my company as a friend? Is he shy? Does he want me just for my soccer knowledge? Why would he ditch his friends and spend 2 hours with me, but in the end, just give me another "see you very soon"?....

Project patience 2010...


Long distance?

The midwesterner had left NY less than 2 weeks ago asking when he could come back to see me. We decided on this past weekend. He seemed eager to get here and hesitant to leave. Which is great, but leaves me a bit nervous that we are pushing the envelope a bit spending over 48 hours together this early on. He arrived at 7 and we had dinner and drinks before heading to bed a bit tipsy and having already discussed seeing eachother again. Saturday we spent the day watching the World Cup and later hitting the beach for the rest of the weekend. Everything went well and he's a great guy. Interesting, successful, nice, and genuinely interested (or seems to be) in a relationship! Even from another time zone...

He's offered to come back this coming weekend for the 4th of July. Seems wonderful, but again - how much time together is too much time at this stage of the game. And where is this going? How can we put a lot of effort into something without knowing if one of us would even be WILLING to relocate? However, I'm determined not to undermine this one just yet. He's a great catch, and although there might not be fireworks exploding every time I hear his name (although we had an interesting experience with the timing of a fireworks show late Saturday night... if you get my drift...), everything seems to be there and there's chemistry. In my experience, that's only about 5% of the male population for me, and only about 5% of that 5% are single and interested in me. So I really need to count my blessings here, right? Or do I cut my losses before spending months going back and forth between NY and Chicago only to realize that we don't want to be in the same place, so it can never be?

For now, I'm taking Anne's advice and being open to the idea, no questions asked (just yet).
Anne, I love you, but I"m all ears if anyone else has an opinion.


Monday, June 28, 2010

Trapped in the past

I know I told you I wouldn't talk about this here anymore, so I'm sorry to annoy you with that again.... but I can't help it... since I also told Kate, Sophia and Lauren I wouldn't email them on this subject either.

Two weeks ago, just before Danish guy's birthday, I ran into him at a bar. I was with 2 guys and another girl and he was with a group of guys and, as far as I can tell, hitting on a pretty blond that was with them. After the girls left, I went to the bathroom and stopped by to say "hi". Didn't engage in any additional conversation, just "hi" and off to the bathroom...

Last Saturday I went to a very cool party, I think the coolest one since I've arrived to Switzerland... it was by the lake and I think all expat community was there. Including... yes, Danish guy.

I spotted him and thank God my friends didn't let me go talk to him, a couple of minutes later he came to speak with me, so did his friend who I met when I came to visit last year.

The friend asked me if I was visiting from the US.... WTF!!! Am I that not important that Danish guy didn't even tell one of his best friends I MOVED here??? I chatted with his friend for a while and then turned to Danish and spoke for a few minutes. He said he catch up with me later... of course he didn't.

I left the party really upset... mainly upset with me for still wanting this so badly.... I was leaving the party and ran into a couple of friends... when the guy gave me a hello hug I busted into tears... in the middle of the street....

I can't believe I'm so upset again... haven't slept much in the last couple of days either...

I really don't know what to do... should I look for professional help? Should I move out of town? I can't go out every time both afraid and hoping I will run into him.

I'm sorry again for the drama, but it seems like I'm unable to have dating fun... you have no idea how many cute guys were at that party... and I only had eyes for one...


Wednesday, June 23, 2010


After weeks avoiding it I finally accepted the invitation of the geeky guy that works across the hall.... I have been speaking with him for a while in the company's chat, but have no - if not negative - interest in going for something more than a friendly chat during boring mid- afternoons.

Reasons why I didn't want to go out with him:
- He is not my type.
- He is not cute.
- He is not older.
- He is showing genuine interest in getting to know me.
- You shouldn't eat the meat where you earn the bread, and in the past I've treated the workplace as a rodizio....

However, after I slipped in one of my email exchanges with Lauren, Anne and Kate, they basically obliged me to give the poor boy a chance (as per Lauren's maxima: everybody has a chance).

So after rescheduling a couple of times, I finally let myself be taken to lunch.... and.... it was fine.... he is slightly cuter than what I remembered, a little bit more interesting than what I expected. But, anyway, still not my type and still waaaaayyy to interested in me for my taste....

Anyhow, I decided to go with the flow, can't tell you by now if I would say yes or no to another possible less casual invitation, but he is still there to help me cope with afternoon boredom.

I will let you know how it goes...


Monday, June 21, 2010

See you very soon

I've made 2 new friends last week and, as their first task, they will introduce me to a German single dude that tends to like girls from my nationality. Yeah, 2 friends and a possible date, sounds like a good week to me.

On Saturday I went to Jerome's house to watch as many games as we could. Beat was also there (remember him? Not so difficult this year since he is the only guy I kissed besides Danish boy). We didn't flirt but we talked a lot. I like him.

By the end of the night, Beat took me to the tram stop, waited 20 minutes with me and took the only tram that was not going into the direction of his house just to stay one more station into our little chitchat. I told him we were going to watch the games at a restaurant on the following day, and he gave me the impressing he might show up - of course he didn't.

When it was time for him to leave, he said: "see you very soon"... ok, this is the SECOND "see you very soon" I get in the last couple of weeks from guys that don't have my contact details.... is this a Swiss thing or what? What does "see you very soon" means??? Well, by now I think it means nothing, so won't really obsess about it.

Anyway, I do want to see him very soon, but also recon there is nothing I can do about it (well, there is plenty I could do: add him on facebook, ask Jerome for his number, send him an email - I know the company + I know his name = I know his email... - but of course if I ever am to have another chance with him I just have to sit still and hope he adopts one of the above mentioned strategies).

Well, no worries, I have a very fun week ahead of me, with 2 friends visiting, date with German dude, very fertile ground for blog posts.

Before I forget - I wish I could - today is Danish guy's birthday. I already decided I won't call him and am happy with the decision. I think - I hope - this time I am really moving on.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Welcome Kate!

After a long and cold Date-Hibernation, I went out on Friday with a Genfer friend, she was here in the German part of the world only Friday and Saturday. We decided to go to a bar, have only some finger food and talk. At the terrace bar, crowded as always, we waited inside for a little while already with our white wine/champagne in hands. Sooner rather then later, we were sitting outside on a table close to 3 Germans. To avoid any compromising, we spoke in Spanish about our ex/current, job, life complaints and the regular seek for cuties… For our lovely surprise, they approached us, in Spanish, asking from where we were.

Oh God lord, there is no safe language to talk around here, definitely! And so we met Leonart, Matthias and Emmanuel. Clearly, one not real German but with a nice foot in Italy. There was then more wine, and more wine, and a little bit of cheese and olives. Our new friends were fun, interested and absolutely up for fun! Needless to say, I got to know Leonart a bit better and my friend interacted better with Emmanuel. Poor Matthias was simply there, looking around and trying to catch up with some pieces of conversation here and there. At some point (already very late) I had to go home and had no conditions whatsoever to sit on the public transport and feel my head turning around. Jumped on the first cab I found and, fortunately got home in good shape.

Now, why do we have mobiles and why do we keep flirts around that are not having fun somewhere else in town??? German Boy (I'll have to present him on another special note) was always a live option for SMS chatting and this time: a live option to keep me awake and not lose my 7AM flight to the UK. Said and one, there he was downstairs and, as a good girl we remained downstairs, as good teenagers kissing and teasing until I had to go to the airport. Obviously he took me there, did the check in and suddenly for my blunt surprise there was Leonart also there, checking in for a flight to Hamburg… Oh My God! I quickly turned and tried to be invisible, and managed that none of them notice…. Did Leonart mention that he was flying on the next morning?? Well, the wine blurred everything, but I have the feeling he did but the level of drinks did not allow me to process the information!

On the plane, happy and proud of my return to the Dating-Confusion world. Feeling free, drunk, sleepy, tired, fulfilled and definitely looking forward for more!


Monday, June 14, 2010

The midwesterner comes to town

So, as I'd said, mark from my Patagonia trip was cute, nice, gainfully employed, and emailing me! Unfortunately, he doesn't live anywhere near here. I guess it could be worse. He could NOT be emailing me.

Just so hapens that he will be in town for a friends birthday... It's Monday morning, so here's my wknd recap...

Friday we go our separate ways. He's off to a buddys birthday and I'm at work drinks. I feel embarassed that I asked if we could meet up. He basically says no because the party is technically in Hoboken - new jersey...

I get over the slight and figure he'll call in the morning.

He does!

At 9am! We go for a run and then sit on my terrrace talking for a few hours. He heads back to nj to shower and change and we meet back up for cocktails with a few friends. He is really cute. Next thing I know, it's 530 am and we are sitting on my deck talking. I decide it's time for some sleep and he stays with me. It was great - nothing happened! He's sweet and not aggressive at all. Definitely not a ny banker type. Thank goodness!


Friday, June 11, 2010

Angie and Brad

We couldn't do it... we arrived at the place and the bar was packed - not with people attending the speed date, but normal people engaging in regular flirting.

We stick around observing the people that would participate on the thing.... worst, way worst than expected.

Anyway, I went, I saw and I took it out of my possible alternatives to get a date. And the manager of the event got pissed at us, saying that we ruined the event – Jerome and I felt like Angie and Brad ditching a charitable dinner.

Yesterday I went to one of the coolest bars in Bern and I'm happy to anounce I got my mojo back! Boys, interesting, cute boys talked to me.... one introduced himself while I was talking to another!

It's gonna be a good summer :)


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Speed dating... oh, well...

It's 5:07pm.... I will leave the office at 5:30pm tops... the plan is going to the gym, 20 minutes of aerobics, 10 minutes of sauna and than...

Speed dating... (oh, don't worry, I plan on showering first).

A couple of weeks ago a friend forwarded me this email with a speed dating add. Since I have absolutely nothing to do, I decided to enroll, if not for anything else, for the sake of this poor blog that is in desperate need of some action.

I am pretty sure the place will be full of weirdos and almost 40 bold, chubby guys... but, oh, well, worst case scenario I can get a good laugh out of it (and my friends a good laugh out of me).

Ah, and I'm taking Jerome down with me... we are actually considering wearing fake mustaches to avoid identification by third parties.

Will let you know how it goes.


PS.: Again, no funny business in NYC... what is wrong with me? Am I officially a grown up?