Monday, June 21, 2010

See you very soon

I've made 2 new friends last week and, as their first task, they will introduce me to a German single dude that tends to like girls from my nationality. Yeah, 2 friends and a possible date, sounds like a good week to me.

On Saturday I went to Jerome's house to watch as many games as we could. Beat was also there (remember him? Not so difficult this year since he is the only guy I kissed besides Danish boy). We didn't flirt but we talked a lot. I like him.

By the end of the night, Beat took me to the tram stop, waited 20 minutes with me and took the only tram that was not going into the direction of his house just to stay one more station into our little chitchat. I told him we were going to watch the games at a restaurant on the following day, and he gave me the impressing he might show up - of course he didn't.

When it was time for him to leave, he said: "see you very soon"... ok, this is the SECOND "see you very soon" I get in the last couple of weeks from guys that don't have my contact details.... is this a Swiss thing or what? What does "see you very soon" means??? Well, by now I think it means nothing, so won't really obsess about it.

Anyway, I do want to see him very soon, but also recon there is nothing I can do about it (well, there is plenty I could do: add him on facebook, ask Jerome for his number, send him an email - I know the company + I know his name = I know his email... - but of course if I ever am to have another chance with him I just have to sit still and hope he adopts one of the above mentioned strategies).

Well, no worries, I have a very fun week ahead of me, with 2 friends visiting, date with German dude, very fertile ground for blog posts.

Before I forget - I wish I could - today is Danish guy's birthday. I already decided I won't call him and am happy with the decision. I think - I hope - this time I am really moving on.


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