Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Long distance?

The midwesterner had left NY less than 2 weeks ago asking when he could come back to see me. We decided on this past weekend. He seemed eager to get here and hesitant to leave. Which is great, but leaves me a bit nervous that we are pushing the envelope a bit spending over 48 hours together this early on. He arrived at 7 and we had dinner and drinks before heading to bed a bit tipsy and having already discussed seeing eachother again. Saturday we spent the day watching the World Cup and later hitting the beach for the rest of the weekend. Everything went well and he's a great guy. Interesting, successful, nice, and genuinely interested (or seems to be) in a relationship! Even from another time zone...

He's offered to come back this coming weekend for the 4th of July. Seems wonderful, but again - how much time together is too much time at this stage of the game. And where is this going? How can we put a lot of effort into something without knowing if one of us would even be WILLING to relocate? However, I'm determined not to undermine this one just yet. He's a great catch, and although there might not be fireworks exploding every time I hear his name (although we had an interesting experience with the timing of a fireworks show late Saturday night... if you get my drift...), everything seems to be there and there's chemistry. In my experience, that's only about 5% of the male population for me, and only about 5% of that 5% are single and interested in me. So I really need to count my blessings here, right? Or do I cut my losses before spending months going back and forth between NY and Chicago only to realize that we don't want to be in the same place, so it can never be?

For now, I'm taking Anne's advice and being open to the idea, no questions asked (just yet).
Anne, I love you, but I"m all ears if anyone else has an opinion.


1 comment:

  1. You are right, I do like long distance, especially because it makes things go faster. Anyway, since he is the one doing the visiting effort I think you should just relax, enjoy and be open to this new modality of dating in your life.

    If not for anything, just having met in Patagonia will be a great story for the grandkids!

    But, as you said, you already know my opinion... hehehe

    Anyone else?

