Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Anne + Beat

Well, it happened again… I am secretly hoping soon an email/ text/ call will pop up and make my day.

Since I got to Switzerland I managed to be on more dates than I’ve ever been in my life, even though that might sound like good news, I’ve never kissed so little either and, I can tell you, there is nothing I like more than good kissing.

I am still learning how things work around here. It is the first time I am really going on dates. At the same time, here, the date itself has no implications, I’ve managed to go to at least 3 where there was no touching, no kissing, just talking.

Well the no kissing thing was about to change this weekend. I was going to a party with a friend and his absolutely cute, totally my type, been flirting for a while friend Beat. In my mind, that was it, he had to make a move (and I had to restrain my self not to make one – yes, that’s right, I’m a first mover, very very bad characteristic for a girl according to the countless relationship authors and to my track record as well) .

We connected greatly during the night, I let him explain me about cars, small talked about life and all those things that make you think “hum, should I get my hopes high?!”, but it was taking forever for him to finally kiss me...

Ah, did I mention we were drinking? And did I mention that at some point we changed from beer to wine? And did I say that I knew it wasn’t a good idea, but tagged along anyway?

Anyway, he finally kissed me (I hope he was the one that kissed me and not the other way around) and what an awesome kiss!!! After getting somehow involved with a couple of Europeans I thought I was going to have to give up on great kissing to get the great looks and personality most of them have… well, that night at least served to restore my hopes in finding the full package around here.

Than it was time to go and the warning signals started to show:

Warning signal number 1: No holding hands on the way back. What is with this 30 something year old guys that they are ok with kissing like maniacs in public but are not ready to hold your hand? Well, I managed to demand my duly deserved hand holding (probably my first mistake) and the love was back on the ride home.

Warning signal number 2: Before the kissing started, while we were all about great conversation and learning about each other, we talked about going to a car exhibition together in the following week. After the kissing, suddenly tickets were very hard to find, and people (well, he) might be busy on the upcoming days. I couldn’t hide my discontentment (second mistake and counting).

Warning signal number 3: No request for email or phone number!!! Well, this is not a warning, this is a clear signal that that was it. And I have to admit, I wasn’t used to that anymore… I am from a generation in which guys get your contact, even if they are not planning on using it… hard to decide which is worst.

We do have friends in common, it is easy to find me on facebook, there are millions ways he could get my contacts afterwards, but the fact he didn’t ask for it clearly shows that he is not willing to put some effort in finding it by alternative ways either. I can gladly say that, unlike the above mentioned warning signals, this one didn’t generate (so far) any mistakes from my side. I remember being on the cab and using all my strength and will power not to let my drunken mouth ask him to ask for my contacts. Uhu, point for me, I think I deserve at least a pat on the back for that.

To this point, the only things left to keep me going (how dramatic!) are:
1) be happy that I finally kissed someone else – than Prince, to be introduced - this year, and it was good, very good;
2) focus on the fact that I like nice guys and he wasn’t that nice. Just a quick observation here: I tend to forget that I have to like the guy too… I focus all my energy in suffering from the fact that a guy didn’t like me, even when I didn’t like him either… what is wrong with me?! (me? Us? Anyone?..).
3) Bering in mind that making out with someone in Basel is like kissing a guy from your high school or university, you will eventually run into him on the street. So maybe there is a chance we will run into each other (when I look astonish beautiful) and catch up a couple of weeks from now.

Anyway, back to the beginning of the email, OF COURSE I still have hopes he will get my email (I’m an email freak, that is by far my favorite method of communication with the opposite sex) and surprise me with an invitation for drinks (and I promise I will keep it up to 3 glasses, so I can remember all the details to tell you) or for something cooler, like a day trip to the mountains (well, a girl can dream).

But, by now, we all know that’s not going to happen, so…



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