Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Anne + Tim + Cooper (hummm...)

I’ve been receiving constant texts from my mobile phone company. Don’t they know what it can do to us??? A couple of seconds of hope to than sink our hearts, after reading “win summer vacations with Lebara”?

I am currently waiting (hoping) for a text from Tim (the 25 year old world traveler from my profile). After leaving Basel he went to work at a chalet in Germany and I just found out (by digging his facebook) he will be passing through here before his next stop. According to facebook too I am pretty sure he found another girl to say “I love you” to by now.

Anyway, I am very proud of myself for not having contacted him to ask if we could meet and say goodbye. I have 2 theories about my behavior: A) I am learning to have some pride; B) I don’t really see a future, so why ruin the memories with reality?

I wish it was alternative A, meaning I am evolving and becoming more mature, but unfortunately I am pretty sure it is B… like the type of quiz you have to choose the “less wrong” alternative. Hate those quizzes.

So today… spent lunch hour (trying to) shopping for something to wear tonight. Wanted to look sexy, but without seeming like I was trying too hard. No success. Have some back up at home though. Worst case scenario I don’t look hot, but at least casual and thin (I’ve been starving myself for the past few days).

My friend ran into Cooper yesterday, said he asked about me. Not sure he isn’t flirting with her too… no way of finding out either.

I am trying to lower my expectations for tonight. Every time I get really excited about an event it either turns out to be lame, with none of the RSVP prospects showing up, or I end up being ridiculous and waking up with major moral hangover.

Tonight will probably be the last night I see Cooper. I decided to engage in heavy, ultimate flirting with him and than see where does it (him) lead us. Not so sure what I want, besides wanting him to want me.

I also baked a cake. I am a very good cook, but took the risk of making a cake I’ve never made before. By now, I’m terrified that in a land full of prospects, I will mess up the catering. I fully rely on my cooking skills to nail a husband!!!

Wish me luck!

Ps.: I just remembered Tim and Cooper are from the same country... Hummm, I think it's time to plan my next vacation... ;)

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