Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Anne + Danish Prince

What a surprise, an email did pop into my inbox…. not from Beat, but from Prince, my Nordic ex-boyfriend (he is my ex-boyfriend, but that does not mean I am his ex-girlfriend).

Let me tell you a little bit more about Prince and me:

I met him more than a year ago, before I moved to Switzerland, when we were spending a holiday in Thailand. Even though my friends strongly disagree, I think he is one of the most handsome guys I’ve ever seen. After amazing 3 days together (one of which put me out of Ikea furniture for ever) he had to leave and I had the feeling that that was it and, trust me, I was ok with that.

It wasn’t it… he called me from a business trip to Croatia, sent me the most beautiful emails I’ve ever seen and soon I was completely in love, sure that I finally found my prince.

He lived in Basel, I didn’t, but I always liked long distance relationships (call me weirdo). To make a long story short, we emailed, texted or talked everyday, I visited him a couple of times (not that wise, was it?), I’ve never been happier in my entire life… and than he started to disappear (don’t they all?), be distant and avoid replying about a third visit. At some point I finally broke and asked what was going on… he told me he liked me, I was great, but we were just digging a hole, the longer we kept it going, the more hurtful it would be when it ended, he was not a risk taker, I was not Danish…

And than, the day came for me to move to Switzerland, I’ve received an irrefutable job offer. I told him I was coming; he answered me, but avoided commenting on the fact we were going to be in the same city – if only you could see his emails… he managed to write me lines and lines on how his dog learned how to jump on 2 feet and not say a world about me moving.

Finally, one day, since Basel is like a little village, I ran into him… and…. He CROSSED THE STREET!!!…. I was devastated. Cried a little more, consulted with friends, and decided to send him an email, telling him I saw him, he saw me, we should be civilized and that I was over him (yeah, right). He answered (he always does) telling me about his weekend. Not a world about the incident.

I decided that was it…

Do you think that was it? Would I be telling you all this if the story ended here???

Around Thanksgiving time (dammed festive dates) I remembered I wanted a book I left with him back then, and, tah-dah, an email was sent, with the polite request of the mailing of the book. He answered and asked if we could meet instead.

OF COURSE WE COULD MEET, why else did I send the email?!?! How important can a book be???

We met and let’s just say, it wasn’t a good idea.

We met again a couple of months later and, surprise surprise, it wasn’t a good idea again.

A month after that, I sent him an(other) email… he answered… today, a week after I sent it, saying he had to go to the hospital because he cut his hand at work, no questions, no comments, just that…

And the worst part is that I can’t help but feeling a little happy that I got an answer. Don’t worry, no prompt replies from me for the time being… but I wouldn’t be surprised if, in a month or so, Emil shows up here again (I know, pathetic, but probably made you feel better about the way you badly handled a broken heart, didn’t it?).

See you tomorrow (hopefully something exciting will happen in the next 24 hours).


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