Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lauren + Marco

Well, another day, another cute bearded guy. I've also got a mini crush on a guy who is nothing like me. He's very academic, reads Tolstoy, loves to talk about philosophy and listens to what I consider "cool" music. By "cool", I mean things that sound great by bands I've never heard of and cannot be found on the radio. I am not a music buff by any means, and am often self conscious in front of these types. Anyway, Carlos hasn't called me today (obviously) and the writer whose name I don't know hasn't and will not call me (I mean, I wouldn't either. I'm a finance type that doesn't even know his name and he's creative and doesn't forget names). This combination leaves me thinking about my newest mini crush - he's a colleague of my roommate, Italian, and... of course... has a beard. Do you see a theme? Anyway, he apparently ASKED about me, which makes my interest multiply by 300%. My brilliant plan: ask my friend to send a group email inviting people (including he & I) to do something this weekend. I replied all, which gives him my contact information. Success! Marco responds just to me and we have a brief email conversation, where he says he'd love to get to know me better and that we should go to the movies. Nevermind how this is inherently contradictory: he wants to get to know me better, yet suggests we sit in a dark room full of other people in silence to watch a movie...? Is it just me who thinks that doesn't fit? Whatever, I'm in.Now that he's given me the "general" let's go out comment, do I just sit tight and wait? I know the answer: I wait (luckily I already know that I'll see him on Sunday evening at a barbecue). I'm assuming I'll be waiting several days, but hopefully I can add this one to my list of possibilities for summer romance!


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