Saturday, May 29, 2010

Late night disaster

I love when Anne is in NYC. We are a disastrous pair, but have the best time shopping, brunching, laughing, and Partying... note the capital P. It's just post patagonia and seems as though my Latin lover has missed me! I had decided that as soon as annes visit ended, I'd speak my mind and let him know how I felt and what I wanted (rather, what I needed to prevent myself from going completely crazy wondering what I'm doing with him).

So, on annes last night, we decide to make it a big one. Out all night. We somehow meet several professional basketball players and accept their invitation to drinks and a great spot at a lounge. To be honest, I don't even like that lounge and am happy to buy my own drinks, but the novelty of an evening with unknown pro athletes seems like a good idea at the time (1am). Long story short, I run smack into my Latin hearthrob with an oversized athlete hanging over me. It did not go over well. Can you blame him? He has basically lost all respect for me and I spent several days with an aching heart, feeling ashamed of my behavior, and trying to talk to him. To no avail.
Finally, I wrote down everything Id wanted to say a few weeks ago and clicked send. Impersonal, but better than camping out at his house.

Several days later I got a reponse. Not a positive one. He's offended by my behavior, but also sees no future with me. He'll call me sometime to talk. Fat chance. And there you have it- terrible situation, but finally, closure. And you know what, I'm ok. Deep down it's what I knew, but didn't want to know and couldn't bring myself to face the end of what was so much fun and a wonderful daydream.

So now I'm single. Totally and 100% single.

For this week, I'm actually satisfied this way. Dating was heartache and my emotions need a break. Remind me of this when I complain I don't have a date for my friends dinner party nxt week.

xo Lauren

Friday, May 28, 2010

Adventures in Patagonia

One of my long time dreams was to hike through Patagonia, see the glaciers and the mountains, and be totally removed from civilization. No phones, no computers, no hairdryers. Check! I did it. Four days of pretty serious roughing it. No electricity, no showering (gross), and definitely no makeup. However, society has managed a way to deliver cold beer to outposts that don't even have flushing toilets, which leads to the meat of my story. A few girlfriends and I celebrate our accomplishment and how well we've been "roughing it" with beers and drinking games. Of course, the guy / girl ratio at this "bar" is in our favor, so I end up talking to Mark. Mark is an adventurous midwestern guy who loves to travel, has a great job, and works out nonstop (very obvious from the moment we meet). One beer leads to another and he walks me back to my camp after dark. It has started to rain and we kiss like 8th graders for a good long while. It's not a vacation without some sort of romantic interlude, right?

Luckily, he's not as 8th grade the following day, and we spend some time together and exchange contact information. When I get back to NYC, I have an email waiting from him! And... he happens to be coming to NY the following weekend. Do I just go with it and end up having a short fling with a midwestern ironman? Or do I realize that this is probably not ideal relationship material? Why is the midwest so far from ny?!


Friday, May 21, 2010

Anne + start spreading the news

I'll go to NY to meet Lauren and do some work next week, so I've been trying to find some male distraction at the big apple.

Last time I was there I briefly met this very cute and funny (well, as funny as he could be in our 5 min conversation) guy. He gave me his card. After some googling from my part I found out he was very, very good on paper as well.

Anyway, I just sent him an email telling I will be in NY and saying that if he still wants to meet for a drink to let me know (which I found genius of me, since it doesn't sound like I'm inviting him, but just that I'm collecting last time's rain check).

Not so sure he will reply, but will keep you posted either way.

I could really use a fling.... just an update, I was at Danish's guy neighborhood yesterday and buzzed his door... 100% sober.... maybe I need medical assistance if I'm already doing those things without a drop of alcohol in my blood. Thank God he wasn't home. Now I just need to resist 2 more days before being - again - an ocean apart.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Anne + die trying

Just a quick "hi" so you know all 3 of us are still alive.

Lauren is in Latin America in an adventure with 2 other girls.

I'm back to Basel after an 8 hour train hide from Germany (damn volcano).

Sophia is here with me and has some juicy juicy (or wine wine) Basel story to share.

Of course I have stuff to share about the Danish guy... but.... it's just so boring... this blog is supposed to be about the fun dating episodes (just go to our first page and you will see what I'm talking about) and not about melodrama... anyway... I'm in a "die trying" moment, so I will wait until I'm back to "dating on every continent" to properly post something.

This might be sooner than expected since I will visit Lauren in NYC next week. Already have lunch with a cutie lined up and will try to arrange some drinks with a guy (perfect on paper) I briefly met last time I was there.

As for Danish guy... yes, he is still my first and last thought of the day, but I haven't figured out what do I want to do yet - forget? enjoy? love game? - I'm stucked...

Anyway, enough drama.

I have blog news: we will soon be joined by a girl that lives in Germany and another one moving to Asia (well, the one that will be our Asia correspondent doesn't know that yet, but will soon be informed!).

Stay tuned for Sophia's next post, plenty of dating, none of the drama, just how we like it.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Anne + Different is good, isn't it?...

He did end up calling me yesterday. At 8pm saying he would have dinner with the Danishs and would meet me later at a bar close to my house if I wanted to.

I tried a new approach... I said "I'd love to (the magic words), but was still a little bit sick (remember yesterday's fake flue?) so I'd better sleep." Danish guy sounded disappointed but said it was cool, feel better and "we keep in touch"... what the hell is "keep in touch?!".

Of course I didn't sleep again last night and haven't I deleted his number just after our 1 minute call, I'd probably be texting him to stop by after dinner anyway.

I don't think not seeing him will have any effects in our non-relationship so still not so sure why I did it. It won't make him like me, it won't make him call me, again, it won't make a difference.

And now, instead of having a nice champagne brunch with him I'm here watching Scrubs and writing to you - and I hate Scrubs.

However, I woke up feeling a little bit better today, what a difference a good night sleep makes. Controlled the urge to go to his house and ask him out for a run.

I think one of the problems is the amount of advice I'm seeking... aren't we supposed to listen to our hearts? I know, what good listening to my heart did to me? But I return the question: what good not listening to it is doing?

Anyway, in 2 hours I will be in a plane going to Munich to meet Sophia and Jerome (my best friend here in Basel, the one I've been torturing with my girly dramas) and will try my best to have a good time.

I wouldn't expect a lot of action from me for the next couple of days though, not really in the mood to flirt, even though I'm about to go to the land of the blond, the land of the tall.

Can tell you in advance that I'm planning on calling Danish guy on Wednesday and asking him out on Friday - yes, Sophia and Lauren, I will... -, no way I can spend 10 days in NY without seeing him again. Then I have 10 days of intensive Lauren support to get over it - once I was so sad with Danish guy, she danced like a Russian guy to make me feel better... well, Lauren, get ready for more dancing.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Anne - Ooops I did it again...

After not sleeping nor eating for 2 days, I decided it was safer to go home instead of out yesterday.

Rented on my tv "Bridget Jones diary" - nothing like seeing a slightly overweight, ridiculous, 30something girl find love to make me feel better, right? - and poured myself a vodka on the rocks with a twist of lime.

15 minutes into the movie (and into the vodka) I was smiling and giggling again. Breathing without pain.

45 minutes into the movie (and into the second vodka) I was deeply identifying myself with Bridget and Danish guy with Mark.

65 minutes into the movie (and into the third vodka) I was driving Sophia and Lauren crazy with my emails.

By the end of the movie (and the third vodka), I called the Danish guy. He didn't pick it up. I started crying like a baby, called my best friend in Bern (a guy) and stop responding to emails. Today I learned that my friend was so concerned (and, as a guy, panicking in view of my female tears) that he sent an email to Lauren and Sophia asking them to call me. He was afraid my apartment would turn into a tears' pool and I would drawn in it.

Anyway, when I finally calmed down (around 10:30pm), Danish guy calls me back on his way home from work. He asked me if I had a cold, due to my nasal voice. I blamed it on the weather. I think I was successful speaking straight and not saying anything stupid.

He didn't know I would be traveling for the long weekend. He wants to see me tonight, even though he had already made plans with the Danish entourage, and spend the day tomorrow. He is supposed to let me know - one can only hope.

Thank good I won't be in town this weekend and will have the full support of Sophia, who is visiting me next week.

Reasons why I'm an idiot:
1) I like a guy that wants nothing (well, almost nothing, if you know what I mean) to do with me.
2) I called him last night.
3) I hope I'll see him tonight.
4) I'll probably be back to how I was feeling - miserable - in no time.
5) I make a fool of myself in front of my friends (ok, ok, by now they are pretty used to it) and you guys (great, more audience for my ridiculous behaviour).

I need a break from Bern.

I'll keep you posted.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sophia: to email or no to email...

I can’t believe I’m finally on vacation, in London, and can’t stop thinking about a guy that doesn’t want anything serious with me! I’ve been following a strategy of not contacting him - ok that strategy started only a couple of weeks ago and I’ve been doing pretty well so far. I even began to see some results. But it´s been 4 days since our last contact and I’m dying to talk to him.

Besides, I’m feeling kind of bad because I didn’t tell him when I was leaving for Europe, I just told him it would be soon. (and he always tells me when he travels and when he comes back – every other week he goes on a business trip for 5 or even more days).

I was hoping he would ask the exact date I was gonna leave but he did not. Anyway, I managed not to tell him and wait for another contact and then say “ hi, I’m sorry, I can’t see you today, cause I’m in Europe!!” But that didn’t happen on those last 4 days – he didn’t email or call me, and I was not supposed to start any kind of contact.

Now I’m having breakfast, in London, ready to start my sightseeing, but I just can’t even decide where to begin because I’m thinking about him.
Ok, I just emailed him… don’t blame me, pls. I was feeling real bad and “guilty for not saying goodbye. Anyway, my email actually had a point: He comes to London every now and then and told me that he could give me some advice on places to go, if I wanted to. So, it was about time to collect that offer! Haha. I just wrote him that I was in London (no apologies for not tell him before) and that I had just finished reading a book he gave me about a month ago, and that I wanted his advice on restaurants. It’s still every early in Brazil, so I can relax and enjoy at least a few hours of London without any expectation of response!


Anne - It died...

The last hope finally died...


Monday, May 10, 2010

So many men... so little time...

Well, so there ARE so many men in my life. Unfortunately, I can't tell how much any of them like me. For that matter, sometimes I don't even know how I feel about them. Here's the short of the long story:

Carlos - we'd had very tentative plans for either Wed or Thurs. Wed he basically flaked, so in my utmost maturity I made solid plans for Thursday. (a date). Of course he called me on Thursday morning to find out what our plan would be. I responded that I had tickets to an art show and dinner plans. He sounded upset. I stayed over ... yes, after a date with someone else. (who i did not even kiss). I realize how awful that sounds and haver zero excuse. Except that I am trying everything to get over Carlos. It just doesn't seem to work.

Friday - I speak to Carlos around 7pm and indicate that I'll be at home relaxing. If his nap doesn't get him energized for clubbing, I'm happy to go get a drink somewhere. He calls me back, 2 hours later, we go for a drink, and spend the Friday night together. Healthy. Very healthy.

Saturday - date from Thursday night meets my friends and I out at a party. After WAY too many cocktails, I believe I confess (more or less) that I have feelings for someone else. I guess he's out of the picture. A friend calls me a "mythical dating creature" while out. Single friends think my dating life is impressive. If I only divulged the pathetic details, they'd finally see the sad truth. aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Sunday - wake up to a txt from Carlos stating that NY life is too intense and that we need to get ourselves to a Panamanian beach. If he only knew... I proceed to go have brunch with my "english guy". He's that great guy that I thought I would still have a chance with and it just wasn't the same. I think he's disinterested. It KILLS me. And makes me wonder what I can do to stop thinking about damn Carlos, get the English guy back in my life, and be normal. Is that possible?? Then... Carlos calls... he wants me to go on a double date with his friend and girlfriend (I"ve met them before in another context). My stomach flip flops, my heart races, I accept, and spend Sunday night with them. AND... it's totally natural. This just makes me like him more. Guys, can you please tell me how to get over him???


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Anne + the cat was right! Sooo happy!

So, he just left my house. :)

You know when you want something to happen in a certain way but, in the end, it never does? Well, it did!

He called me telling he would be in the neighborhood and if he could stop bye... I know, I know, the strategic response would be a nicely said "no". But I got so nervous I couldn't think about any excuse, so I just said yes - following the "enjoy it" advice.

Well I'm glad I chose yes over no. He was adorable, we had an amazing time. I'm not kidding, I don't know what happened, but something changed. He paid me so many complements and so much attention. I cooked him dinner. We watched TV together.

Anyway, I would be very surprised if he doesn't contact me. There is no way I was the only one feeling it, is it? Can I be very very happy?!

I know what you might be thinking... he is just using me and blablabla... but can we be a little bit more positive here? I will try that approach.

The last hope is alive!


Anne + cat's advice

After obsessing about my last Danish episode, I reached some conclusions:
1) I can't (or don't really want to) forget him;

2) Even if he liked me and decided to date me, he won't marry me (I'm still not Danish).

So, in view of the above, the only thing I can do is enjoy. Have fun. Enjoy when we get together and try not to be sad with things that actually should make me happy.

Instead of being sad because he doesn't love me, be happy that I had an amazing time with a hot guy that I emotionally connect to.

Of course we all know that it's easier said than done, but I really don't believe, at least by now, that there is any other alternative. I've tried to forget. I've tried "getting him back" strategies. I need to stop thinking of me as this old lady that needs to get married in the next couple of years or I'll be damned forever.

Why do I call it a waste of time when it could just be having fun time? I used to be good at that (ahhh, the early 20's).

Anyway, I'm aware that this will just work as long as he keeps on being nice, respectful and responsive to me. And it's also a learning curve.

Yesterday I sent him a text wishing
held og lykke (good luck) for the marathon today. For the time before getting his answer, I was getting sad. That can't happen. I need to focus on being pacient - why do I need to see him today again? I can wait for next week or the following one, I will probably live here for a long time, so what is the rush? - and not getting sad with any negative situations, but just be happy when the positive stuff come up.

Sophia and Lauren told me I put him in a pedestal and think he is so much better than I am - as good friends, they of course disagree :) - but I don't really think he is better than me. I think he is perfect for me, mainly because he is better than the others and I do deserve the best.

Of course I'd love him to text me today and ask me for a relaxing post-marathon night... or even let me know how did it go. I don't think that will happen, but, as an old friend used to say, "the last hope is the one that dies" (no, that's not my bad english, she always confused the sense of this saying and, to be honest, I think it's much better this way).

Next step: sit still until (and if) he sends me something in the next couple of days and, if not (I know, probable) call him Wednesday to meet him up after drinks with my friends (Thusrday is a holliday, so in my dream world we will get to spend it in bed).

I know what you are thinking: who am I kidding, right? Just forget about this guy and move on with my life. Well, I've tried to. So now I'm just going to follow the cat's advice (from Alice in the wonderland): "if you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there".

Enjoy your Sunday.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Anne + Danish hug

Well, I did end up running into a tall, cute guy at the bar yesterday. Guess who? Yep, Danish guy.

I can't believe how unlucky I am (well, Basel is indeed very small), once I decide to follow a strategy, I run into the guy... A year I’ve been living here and never ever that happened! And, of course, running into him means being late to work because I left his house at 8am.

He was so sweet with me - everytime I see him he is sweeter - and treats me so nice when we are together, I just can't get over him. He hugged me for ages this morning, a nice, long hug.

I am aware of how stupid of me was going home with him. I also know that it's time to stop kidding myself, I'm incapable of following a strategy with him. If he will like me (well, he likes me, just not enough), it will be because I like him too (and, don't worry, I'm not naive enough to believe this day will ever come).

Anyway, everytime I leave his house, I feel like asking him to call me or something, and I never do and end up regretting it. Today I did it. As I was about to leave, I told him that I love going to his house and spending the night with him, but everytime he doesn't contact me after, I feel like some girl he picked up at a bar. He looked down, made a "face" and said - more to himself than to me - "but you are not". He texted me just after I left his house, wishing me a good day. I don't think that counts, do you? He was just trying not to be the bad guy, don't you agree?

I don't really regret last night, because it was so amazing... better than it ever was... we – well, I - felt so connected and I felt soooo good by his side. The difficult part comes now, where I don't have him in my life, again.

He actually invited me to go see him run a marathon on Sunday, but I'm pretty sure he didn't mean it (his mother will be there). Maybe I will send "good luck" the night before and that's it.

If someone has a magic potion to make me forget him, please mail it to Bern... I know it may sound weird, but more than wanting to be with him, I just want to forget. Love is not supposed to be this hard, is it?

Well, it's a fact: one of us will have to move.

Anne - broken hearted, again... (I know, I have no one to blame but myself)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sophia on passion fruit juice

So, there is this guy – Victor, (the one from my profile that I mentioned I was not ready to tell you about. We've been seeing each other for about 6 months. Everything you could ever imagine has already happened to us. From black-out to “executive lunch”).

He just got out of a 12 year relationship ("marriage") and, even though I should've known better, I let myself get involved. I mean, deeply involved!! I'm totally into this guy, like I have never been to anyone. He makes me believe in love at first sight, in soul mate, and this kind of stuff. Yes, soul mate... it's unbelievable how much we have in common. And I'm not the only one that have noticed it... he was the first one to mention that.

Anyway... It's been really hard for me to pretend I'm ok with the status of our relationship. So, a couple of weeks ago I sent him an email basically telling him that I got myself involved and wanted to know where that relationship was heading to. I know, I know, I shouldn't have done that, but come on... I was feeling bad, not to know what was going on between us was driving me crazy!!

He basically told me he didn’t want to get serious with anyone at that point in time, but that he liked me and didn't want to "break up". Oh, and also told me to chill out and drink "passion fruit juice" - which is supposed to make you calm. Well, that's what I did, I chilled out, didn't answer his email at all, and 5 days later I called him at work and asked if he wanted to have lunch. We promptly said yes and we had this nice, great, drama free lunch! I didn't say a word about my email. And now you ask me why? Because I guess he already got the message and there is nothing I can do or say now. I still want him (real bad!), but now the strategy is not to talk about annoying things anymore. I'm going to be the nicest girl ever and make him pursue me!

Right after lunch, he sent me this nice and cute email saying that he really enjoyed that time and that it was "equally nice but somehow different".

But now he is gone on a business trip (which I'm afraid will turn into tourism with his ex...) and not a word from him for the past week! Well, he gets back today so hopefully in the next couple of days I will have more news for you...

Fingers crossed!!!

Anne + back to my life!

Just got back to Bern... what a relief!!! I managed to flirt more in the 10 minutes I was at the airport than for the past 2 weeks.

Cute guy helped me with my bags in the airport... of course I am now regretting not taking his number.

Can't wait for tonight, plan on doing blog research at one of the coolest bars in Bern. Will let you know tomorrow how it goes. My goal is to give my business card or number to at least one tall, cute guy.

In the meantime, I answered Danish guy's email. Tried to be brief and cheerful at the same time, demonstrating how wonderful my trip was (shhhh, don't tell him the real deal) in 2 lines. Also, didn't make a big deal out of him asking for my number, just said: "My new mobile: 07...".

Anyway, let the torture begin.... especially because Sophia told me that, if he asks me out, I have to be nice but also be busy... don't know if I can pull that off, will try my best.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Flower Dress Theory

Since Sophia is very busy learning how to erase our mistakes, I'm going to post an email she sent to Lauren and I a couple of days ago summarizing the dos and don'ts for getting the guy you like - the flower dress theory.

- They can't read our mind;
- When we complain, they feel awful, like the worst man on earth and therefore, they run:
- They hate seeing us suffer, therefore, they run;
- They feel responsible for everything that affect us and, if it is a negative thing, they suffer, therefore, they run;
- Do not withhold feelings, if something is bothering you, speak up, BUT ALWAYS IN A NICE WAY. If you keep everything that is bothering you, eventually you will explode, dump everything on them (him). They don't understand a thing, think you are crazy, feel bad and responsible and, therefore, they run.

Conclusion (aka, the "flower dress"):
- Be nice. Smile, be pretty and happy. Don't make him responsible for your happiness or pain. And, if something is bothering, speak up, but try not to make him think as he is the worst man on earth and responsible for all the pain you are feeling.

Anne for Sophia

Sophia + Man Mistake Eraser!!!

Hello girls! I’m so excited! I just bought a Man Mistake Eraser kit – how to regain a man’s interest.
Girls, there is a hope! And I´m going to learn all about it in those books. I’m already on page 35 (book 1), and it’s amazing how we mess up things without even noticing it.
I’m totally focus on learning how to erase my previous mistakes and I promiss to keep you updated with the tips!

Anne + my loss?

Just received a very disturbing email... subject: Roberto's wedding invitation.

Roberto is a great guy that was part of my close group of friends a couple of years ago. We made out a couple of times, he was always great to me and always made it clear that he really really liked me ("L" word used once).

The problem was - as it normally is - I just wasn't attracted to him. I tried, but back than (the yearly 20's), I was sure I didn't need to settle for anything less than what I wanted.

I am not so sure nowadays. Sometimes I question if the key to my happiness is settling for a good guy that life presents to me, especially if the issue is just not being attracted to him.

Am I wrong? Is it time to settle? Is love - for me, not necessary in general - a one or the other equation? Is a guy either great but not attractive (I don't mean ugly, just not attractive) or is he attractive but not great... or, even worst, is it great and attractive, but not interested in me? - humm, Danish guy popping of my mind...

Anyway, I'm happy for my friend and for his long term girlfriend. Not so sure I should go to the wedding... good thing that living abroad just gives me the perfect excuse not to.

So happy to be going back to Basel - i.e. my life - tomorrow!


Lauren, a few more days, a few more dates.

Well, a few more days = a few more txt messages from Carlos. All cute enough, but still not enough. When you know the guy that you like well enough, txt messages stop being enough. I know that this is a bad sign, but just when I'm sick of him, he sends me something that sets my daydream back into motion. Will I ever grow out of this?

At least I'm not closing myself off to other options. Last night, after much hemming and hawing, I went for dinner, for the second time, with the grad student who I thought had more or less blown me off. In a very dramatic turn of events, he pledged how often he was thinking about me and liked me, and that this was just a miscommunication - a cultural difference. I'm the first one to admit what a sucker I am for sweet talk, so date number two was on. It was fun, albeit weird. Think middle school make out meets philosophical debate. I hate to debate: politics and religion are not part of my date 2 repertoire! Anyway, it was fun and he's cute! The problem with this one : not only do we have zero in common, but he's moving in two weeks. How do I possibly find every guy in manhattan that I could never work out with, and choose to date them? Along this line, our next date is for later this week to see a movie. A foreign film at Lincoln center... Very cool and sooo not me. Stay tuned to hear how I handle date 3...

While you're waiting, you should have a Quasi date to read about even sooner. I'm going with a friend of a friend to tomorrow nights Yankee game. I love ball games, he has great tickets, we are both single and... Oh yes, we kissed a few years back at a party. We don't keep in touch too well and never had very much chemistry, but I'll invoke the NY Lotto again here: "hey, you never know"

I hope that my fellow nyers are similarly taking advantage of this great city, but more lucky in love than I am.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Anne + the disguised womanizer

A couple of months ago I went on a business trip to a very nice island in the Caribbean (yes, I have a cool job) and met with a very charming, slightly older, economist.

We got along immediately and I wasn't sure if I was attracted to him or just to his personality... for a while we exchanged half professional/ half friendly emails...

He is in my (our) home country this week as well and we went out to dinner (not alone) and today for drinks. He started calling me honey in the emails and I wasn't sure if it was honey in a sexy or little sister way.

Well, I just got back from another group drink and am pretty sure by now it is honey-little-sister... and that he tends to dazzle other honeys around the world as well. Just left him with one that lives in NY. She just got divorced and she is 28... I figured she deserved it more than I did and just left the field :)

On the other end, I am still biting myself not to answer Danish's guy email... 4 days and counting... Sophia just sent me the perfect email to send him, sweet but not too interested.

Can't wait to get back to Basel!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lauren, the secret girlfriend

Do you ever wonder if you are the "secret" girlfriend / hookup / date of someone? I can't tell if Carlos likes me and keeps me a complete secret, or if my expectations are completely misaligned with what is going on between us. What is going on between us you ask? I like him, I think he likes me. We occasionally go out. We occasionally sleep together. And that's where it seems to end and not be on the fast track to anything. Yesterday we were at a mutual friend's barbecue. We act like friends and nobody would ever know that 4 days ago, I was making his bed. Oh yea - except for the one guy who saw a not so discreet text message between us.

How long is long enough to wait patiently to see if someone wants to move on from hook up to boyfriend... heck, just give me dating... status.? Our basic recent history is 1 month of being in touch constantly, spending more time together - including dinner , movies, staying in, and a weekend away at a wedding. Am I being insane thinking that we should have a more official status by now? I'm so self conscious about making him feel "pressured", that I think I let him get away with anything. He may even think that this is all I WANT from him. How do I know what I can say to him without scaring him away for good? That's the dilemma I'm constantly thinking about. In the end, I don't say anything.
