Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lauren, a few more days, a few more dates.

Well, a few more days = a few more txt messages from Carlos. All cute enough, but still not enough. When you know the guy that you like well enough, txt messages stop being enough. I know that this is a bad sign, but just when I'm sick of him, he sends me something that sets my daydream back into motion. Will I ever grow out of this?

At least I'm not closing myself off to other options. Last night, after much hemming and hawing, I went for dinner, for the second time, with the grad student who I thought had more or less blown me off. In a very dramatic turn of events, he pledged how often he was thinking about me and liked me, and that this was just a miscommunication - a cultural difference. I'm the first one to admit what a sucker I am for sweet talk, so date number two was on. It was fun, albeit weird. Think middle school make out meets philosophical debate. I hate to debate: politics and religion are not part of my date 2 repertoire! Anyway, it was fun and he's cute! The problem with this one : not only do we have zero in common, but he's moving in two weeks. How do I possibly find every guy in manhattan that I could never work out with, and choose to date them? Along this line, our next date is for later this week to see a movie. A foreign film at Lincoln center... Very cool and sooo not me. Stay tuned to hear how I handle date 3...

While you're waiting, you should have a Quasi date to read about even sooner. I'm going with a friend of a friend to tomorrow nights Yankee game. I love ball games, he has great tickets, we are both single and... Oh yes, we kissed a few years back at a party. We don't keep in touch too well and never had very much chemistry, but I'll invoke the NY Lotto again here: "hey, you never know"

I hope that my fellow nyers are similarly taking advantage of this great city, but more lucky in love than I am.


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