Thursday, May 6, 2010

Anne + back to my life!

Just got back to Bern... what a relief!!! I managed to flirt more in the 10 minutes I was at the airport than for the past 2 weeks.

Cute guy helped me with my bags in the airport... of course I am now regretting not taking his number.

Can't wait for tonight, plan on doing blog research at one of the coolest bars in Bern. Will let you know tomorrow how it goes. My goal is to give my business card or number to at least one tall, cute guy.

In the meantime, I answered Danish guy's email. Tried to be brief and cheerful at the same time, demonstrating how wonderful my trip was (shhhh, don't tell him the real deal) in 2 lines. Also, didn't make a big deal out of him asking for my number, just said: "My new mobile: 07...".

Anyway, let the torture begin.... especially because Sophia told me that, if he asks me out, I have to be nice but also be busy... don't know if I can pull that off, will try my best.


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