Friday, May 28, 2010

Adventures in Patagonia

One of my long time dreams was to hike through Patagonia, see the glaciers and the mountains, and be totally removed from civilization. No phones, no computers, no hairdryers. Check! I did it. Four days of pretty serious roughing it. No electricity, no showering (gross), and definitely no makeup. However, society has managed a way to deliver cold beer to outposts that don't even have flushing toilets, which leads to the meat of my story. A few girlfriends and I celebrate our accomplishment and how well we've been "roughing it" with beers and drinking games. Of course, the guy / girl ratio at this "bar" is in our favor, so I end up talking to Mark. Mark is an adventurous midwestern guy who loves to travel, has a great job, and works out nonstop (very obvious from the moment we meet). One beer leads to another and he walks me back to my camp after dark. It has started to rain and we kiss like 8th graders for a good long while. It's not a vacation without some sort of romantic interlude, right?

Luckily, he's not as 8th grade the following day, and we spend some time together and exchange contact information. When I get back to NYC, I have an email waiting from him! And... he happens to be coming to NY the following weekend. Do I just go with it and end up having a short fling with a midwestern ironman? Or do I realize that this is probably not ideal relationship material? Why is the midwest so far from ny?!


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