Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Anne - Ooops I did it again...

After not sleeping nor eating for 2 days, I decided it was safer to go home instead of out yesterday.

Rented on my tv "Bridget Jones diary" - nothing like seeing a slightly overweight, ridiculous, 30something girl find love to make me feel better, right? - and poured myself a vodka on the rocks with a twist of lime.

15 minutes into the movie (and into the vodka) I was smiling and giggling again. Breathing without pain.

45 minutes into the movie (and into the second vodka) I was deeply identifying myself with Bridget and Danish guy with Mark.

65 minutes into the movie (and into the third vodka) I was driving Sophia and Lauren crazy with my emails.

By the end of the movie (and the third vodka), I called the Danish guy. He didn't pick it up. I started crying like a baby, called my best friend in Bern (a guy) and stop responding to emails. Today I learned that my friend was so concerned (and, as a guy, panicking in view of my female tears) that he sent an email to Lauren and Sophia asking them to call me. He was afraid my apartment would turn into a tears' pool and I would drawn in it.

Anyway, when I finally calmed down (around 10:30pm), Danish guy calls me back on his way home from work. He asked me if I had a cold, due to my nasal voice. I blamed it on the weather. I think I was successful speaking straight and not saying anything stupid.

He didn't know I would be traveling for the long weekend. He wants to see me tonight, even though he had already made plans with the Danish entourage, and spend the day tomorrow. He is supposed to let me know - one can only hope.

Thank good I won't be in town this weekend and will have the full support of Sophia, who is visiting me next week.

Reasons why I'm an idiot:
1) I like a guy that wants nothing (well, almost nothing, if you know what I mean) to do with me.
2) I called him last night.
3) I hope I'll see him tonight.
4) I'll probably be back to how I was feeling - miserable - in no time.
5) I make a fool of myself in front of my friends (ok, ok, by now they are pretty used to it) and you guys (great, more audience for my ridiculous behaviour).

I need a break from Bern.

I'll keep you posted.


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