Saturday, May 29, 2010

Late night disaster

I love when Anne is in NYC. We are a disastrous pair, but have the best time shopping, brunching, laughing, and Partying... note the capital P. It's just post patagonia and seems as though my Latin lover has missed me! I had decided that as soon as annes visit ended, I'd speak my mind and let him know how I felt and what I wanted (rather, what I needed to prevent myself from going completely crazy wondering what I'm doing with him).

So, on annes last night, we decide to make it a big one. Out all night. We somehow meet several professional basketball players and accept their invitation to drinks and a great spot at a lounge. To be honest, I don't even like that lounge and am happy to buy my own drinks, but the novelty of an evening with unknown pro athletes seems like a good idea at the time (1am). Long story short, I run smack into my Latin hearthrob with an oversized athlete hanging over me. It did not go over well. Can you blame him? He has basically lost all respect for me and I spent several days with an aching heart, feeling ashamed of my behavior, and trying to talk to him. To no avail.
Finally, I wrote down everything Id wanted to say a few weeks ago and clicked send. Impersonal, but better than camping out at his house.

Several days later I got a reponse. Not a positive one. He's offended by my behavior, but also sees no future with me. He'll call me sometime to talk. Fat chance. And there you have it- terrible situation, but finally, closure. And you know what, I'm ok. Deep down it's what I knew, but didn't want to know and couldn't bring myself to face the end of what was so much fun and a wonderful daydream.

So now I'm single. Totally and 100% single.

For this week, I'm actually satisfied this way. Dating was heartache and my emotions need a break. Remind me of this when I complain I don't have a date for my friends dinner party nxt week.

xo Lauren

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