Thursday, May 13, 2010

Anne + Different is good, isn't it?...

He did end up calling me yesterday. At 8pm saying he would have dinner with the Danishs and would meet me later at a bar close to my house if I wanted to.

I tried a new approach... I said "I'd love to (the magic words), but was still a little bit sick (remember yesterday's fake flue?) so I'd better sleep." Danish guy sounded disappointed but said it was cool, feel better and "we keep in touch"... what the hell is "keep in touch?!".

Of course I didn't sleep again last night and haven't I deleted his number just after our 1 minute call, I'd probably be texting him to stop by after dinner anyway.

I don't think not seeing him will have any effects in our non-relationship so still not so sure why I did it. It won't make him like me, it won't make him call me, again, it won't make a difference.

And now, instead of having a nice champagne brunch with him I'm here watching Scrubs and writing to you - and I hate Scrubs.

However, I woke up feeling a little bit better today, what a difference a good night sleep makes. Controlled the urge to go to his house and ask him out for a run.

I think one of the problems is the amount of advice I'm seeking... aren't we supposed to listen to our hearts? I know, what good listening to my heart did to me? But I return the question: what good not listening to it is doing?

Anyway, in 2 hours I will be in a plane going to Munich to meet Sophia and Jerome (my best friend here in Basel, the one I've been torturing with my girly dramas) and will try my best to have a good time.

I wouldn't expect a lot of action from me for the next couple of days though, not really in the mood to flirt, even though I'm about to go to the land of the blond, the land of the tall.

Can tell you in advance that I'm planning on calling Danish guy on Wednesday and asking him out on Friday - yes, Sophia and Lauren, I will... -, no way I can spend 10 days in NY without seeing him again. Then I have 10 days of intensive Lauren support to get over it - once I was so sad with Danish guy, she danced like a Russian guy to make me feel better... well, Lauren, get ready for more dancing.


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